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Finding Aid
The Shiskin papers consist of copies of his professional articles and books; a clipping file on his career and those of his associates; and miscellaneous papers and books accumulated during his government service, but especially from 1969 to 1978. While most of the materials are on the public record in scattered locations, their convenient compilations here makes the collection a valuable…
Chief Economic Statistician, Bureau of the Census; Chief Statistician, Office of Management and Budget; Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Shiskin was a leader in the development of modern statistical methods for national economic measurement and forecasting. His books, articles, speeches, and testimony form the core of this collection. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Articles, Papers, and Public Statements File, 1935-78. …
Finding Aid
Frederick T. Steeper is a nationally recognized expert in electoral research and political behavior. He also designed testing research in the areas of polling, focus groups, and political advertisements in more than 100 U.S. Senate and gubernatorial campaigns.Mr. Steeper directed polling programs for President Richard Nixon in 1972 and President Gerald Ford in 1976 and served as the senior…
Political Consultant Materials concerning Frederick T. Steeper's work as a Michigan-based political analyst and career in survey research and analysis for Republican Presidential, senatorial, and gubernatorial candidates and campaign organizations. The collection contains materials related to Steeper's work for the Republican National Committee, George H.W. Bush's 1992 and 1996 Presidential campaigns, George W. Bush's 2000 and 2004 Presidential campaigns, and various state campaigns. View in NARA catalog …
Finding Aid
H. Guyford Stever rose to a prominent position in the scientific and engineering community through his work in aeronautical research, including development of guided missiles and space craft as well as basic flight research. He gained a reputation as an able administrator and served on many important government committees related to science and technology issues of national concern.The…
Scientist, university and government administrator, and, consultant to government and industry Papers documenting Stever's academic and governmental career, professional affiliations, and private sector consulting in the fields of aviation, aeronautics, outer space, engineering, and technology development. Included is material on such topics as engineering education, professional aeronautical and engineering societies, ballistic missile defense, transfer of technology to developing countries, Air Force …
Finding Aid
John Stiles, a longtime friend of President Ford from Grand Rapids, served as Mr. Ford's campaign manager during the 1948 campaign for Congress and helped him during the Warren Commission's investigation of the Kennedy assassination.Soon after Gerald Ford became President, Stiles began working part-time in the White House. Working under the supervision of White House Counsellor John Marsh,…
Consultants, Counsellors to the President The bulk of this collection relates to fundraising for and construction of a new White House swimming pool. Stiles and Mueller served as the White House coordinators for this project. The collection also includes materials on Stiles' responsibilities and interests in the areas of housing and the Bicentennial celebration. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series General Subject File (Stiles), 1974-75. …
Finding Aid
Transcripts of interviews conducted by scholar William Syers in the course of his research on the effect of Gerald Ford's Congressional career on his approach to the Presidency. Interviewees include: William Baroody Jr., Philip Buchen, Pat Butler, Richard Cheney (closed), Barber Conable, Glenn Davis, Max Friedersdorf, Charles Goodell, Bryce Harlow, Robert Hartmann, Joseph Jenckes, William Kendall, Tom Korologos, Melvin Laird, Charles Leppert, Thomas Loeffler, Patrick O'Donnell, Roger Porter, Patrick …
Finding Aid
The Marine Corps History and Museums Division collects oral histories and documents concerning the history of the Marine Corps. In 2004 they sent compact disks containing copies of materials relating to the recapture of the S.S. Mayaguez and other aspects of the Vietnam War to former President Gerald R. Ford. He donated them to the Ford Library.The CDs contain two sets of material. The first…
The collection was created by the Marine Corps Historical Center, from its digitized holdings, at the suggestion of an associate of former President Ford. It includes compact disks of oral histories (audio files only) with Marines who participated in the Mayaguez action. It also includes compact disks containing Marine unit operational records from the Mayaguez action. These disks, as an incidental by-product of their creation, also contain extensive operational records from the Marine units' participation …
Finding Aid
The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of 1947 in recognition of the need for coordination of political, military, and economic considerations in the development of national security policy in the post-World War II period. By the Reorganization Plan of 1949, the NSC was placed in the Executive Office of the President.The statutory function of the NSC is to…
These are the formal, institutional records of the Ford-era NSC and its committees, working groups, panels, and administrative staff. The NSC had retained them for continuity of government until the Clinton administration. That portion of the collection which pertains to intelligence matters remains unprocessed and is in the physical custody of the National Archives in Washington, D.C. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Administrative …
Finding Aid
The National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials, also known as the Public Documents Commission, was established by Title II of the Presidential Records and Materials Preservation Act (Public Law 93‑526), signed December 19, 1974. Events during the last years of the Nixon Presidency aroused controversy concerning the traditional practice of a president treating…
The Public Documents Commission, as it was popularly known, studied and recommended action on the control, disposition, and preservation of documents produced by federal officials, particularly the President. Transcripts of public hearings, commissioned studies and reports, and print material compose the bulk of the collection. The complete Commission records are part of Record Group 220 at the National Archives. Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Duplicate …
Finding Aid
This collection contains records created by the Executive Protective Service in the performance of their duties of securing the White House and Old Executive Office Building facilities and grounds, and protection of the President and the First Family. The records document the visitors to the Oval Office, President's Private Study, and Cabinet Room, and the movement and activities of the President and the First Family at the White House. The bulk of this collection consists of group lists and individual …
Finding Aid
Wayne Valis joined the White House staff during President Nixon's second term and performed duties in areas of public liaison, recruitment, legislative tracking and speechwriting under the direction of Melvin Laird and William J. Baroody. He continued to perform many of the same duties during the Ford administration and was given the title of Director of Planning and Research for the Office of…
Director of Planning and Research, Office of Public Liaison Files concerning the planning of Office of Public Liaison meetings with groups and individuals in the private sector, various other transmissions of information from the public to the government, President Ford's consumer initiatives, and presidential personnel appointments. View in NARA catalog Series Description and Container List Filter by Keyword Filter by Series All Series Consumer Representation Plan File, 1974-76. Personnel File, 1973-76. …