The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. The series, which is produced by the State Department's Office of the Historian, began in 1861 and now comprises more than 350 individual volumes. The volumes published over the last two decades increasingly contain declassified records from all the foreign affairs agencies.

After many years of research visits to the Ford Presidential Library, the FRUS staff are now issuing the volumes and e-volumes covering the Ford years. The electronic volumes are located on a State Department web site, but we provide the following links to them due to the inclusion of Ford Library documents.

  • Volume X, Vietnam, 1973-1975
  • Volume XVI, Soviet Union, 1974-1976
  • Volume XVIII, China, 1973-1976
  • Volume XXVI, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1974-1976 (Egypt, Israel, Sinai Accords, and Lebanon civil war)
  • Volume XXVII, Iran and Iraq, 1973-1976
  • Volume XXVIII, Southern Africa, 1969-1976 (Republic of South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia, and Namibia)
  • Volume XXX, Greece; Cyprus; Turkey, 1973-1976
  • Volume XXXI, Foreign Economic Policy, 1973–1976 (re international monetary relations - including the creation of the G-7 summits, international trade, and efforts to redress global economic inequalities)
  • Volume XXXVII, Energy Crisis, 1974-1980
  • Volume XXXVIII, Part 1, Foundations of Foreign Policy, 1973-1976 (re intellectual foundations and the collective mindset of administration officials)
  • Volume XXXIX, European Security, 1969-1976 (re U.S. efforts to negotiate multilateral agreements with its Western European allies and the Soviet Bloc)
  • Volume E-3, Documents on Global Issues, 1973-1976 (re Law of the Sea, Antarctica, Space and Telecommunications, Drug Control, Terrorism, and Human Rights)
  • Volume E-6, Documents on Africa, 1973-1976 (re Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Horn of Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda, and Zaire)
  • Volume E-8, Documents on South Asia, 1973-1976 (re the Indian Ocean region and U.S. relations with Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan)
  • Volume E-12, Documents on East and Southeast Asia, 1973-1976 (re regiona issues, Indochina, Indonesia, East Timor, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Pacific Islands, Philippines, Thailand, and Burma)
  • Volume E-14, Part 1, Documents on the United Nations, 1973-1976 (re the UN, Population, Policy, Food Policy and Women's Issues)
  • Volume E-15, Part 1, Documents on Eastern Europe, 1973-1976 (re Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia, and East Germany).