Ethnic Americans


Meeting with leaders of the Nation's ethnic organizations at the White House in May of this year, the President said:

"A sense of neighborhood, a sense of belonging, of cultural identification, are threatened. I can appreciate your deep concern for the future of institutions which you work so very hard to establish--the ethnic church, the school, the credit union, the fraternal lodge.

"As we enter our third century, I believe that we can have a rebirth of individual freedom and that we can protect the diverse heritage which gives so much strength and so much richness to our society. Working together, we can achieve these goals."

President Ford's remarks underscore his conviction that cultural diversity is one of America's greatest strengths.

Shortly after assuming office, President Ford established an Ethnic Affairs Office in the White House with responsibility to ensure a rich and continuing dialogue between the White House and the Nation's ethnic communities.

Actions and Accomplishments

In the two years of his Presidency, Mr. Ford has:

President Ford has met with leaders of virtually every ethnic community in this Nation and has, with pride, asked members of all of America's ethnic communities to serve in his Administration.

In addition, the President has held 121 meetings with foreign leaders, and has visited 14 countries in his two years in office, including Belgium, Germany, Poland, Finland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. These visits have helped maintain the country's relations with the homelands of many of America's ethnic citizens.

The Ford White House has followed an open-door policy. The President has welcomed discussion of the problem affecting these communities and is responsible for bold achievements in this area.

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